Birds and the Bees

Birds and the Bees (aka how to FUX)

Setting up a workstream (The Coordinator Flow)

  1. Connect wallet and claim FUX when prompted


  1. Enter information into Workstream Modal: Name, Deadline (when the resolution step will occur), *if desired to tie funding to the resolution, enter in the payment for the entire workstream

  1. Once ‘CREATE WORKSTREAM’ button is clicked the workstream is put on chain and will show up in the ‘My Workstream’ dashboard

  2. After workstream is created, contributors can be added to the workstream via the ‘Manage Contributors’ button under the ACTIONS column.

  1. The workstream creator is shown at the top and contributors can be added via the field below (0x wallet hash and ENS names are supported). Throughout the duration of the workstream, the coordinator can add new contributors

  1. Workstream is now set

Joining a Workstream (The Contributor Path)

For a user of the FUX Protocol that has been added as a contributor

  1. Connect wallet and claim FUX when prompted
  2. In the ‘My Worksteams’ view the Worksteams that you have been added to will be displayed
  3. Use the “+” button next to the Workstream to open the allocation modal and commit your FUX to the workstream

Adjusting your Commitment to a Workstream (The Contributor Path)

  1. In the ‘My Worksteams’ view the Worksteams that you have been added to will be displayed
  2. Use the “+” button next to the Workstream to open the allocation modal and recommit your FUX to the the workstream
  3. Coordinators can’t adjust the commitment for now / because they are in charge of shipping!

Resolving contributor attention (Assigning vFUX)

  1. Open the workstream detail page and hit EVALUATE

  1. In the Evaluation page split your 100 vFUX among your fellow contributors/coordinator based on the value that each contributed to the workstream. This score is independent of the commitment that each individual gave

  2. This vFUX score can be updated until