


Measure of one’s attention. FUX is the unit used in the protocol for representing a user’s attention via a percentage (e.g. if a workstream takes 100% of your focus then you would be giving 100 FUX, if you split your attention equally between 2 projects then you are giving 50 FUX to one and 50 FUX to the other). When first connecting to the protocol a user will claim their 100 FUX. This is the only allocation. FUX iS non-transferable. Once all of the 100 FUX are committed to various workstreams the only way to add FUX to a new workstream is to withdraw FUX from another workstream. Withdrawing FUX is either a direct action from a contributor, or the result of a workstream closing.


Measure of one’s value in a workstream, this is determined by the other members of your workstream in the evaluation stage. At this stage, each contributor is assigned 100 vFUX and distributes among the team to signal the value created by each. The vFUX score shown at a workstream detail page is calculated as ‘total vFUX received by the member/total vFUX in the workstream’


The originator of the workstream in the FUX Protocol. This should be a manager or admin type, that will be with the workstream until completion


Any person adding value to a workstream

rV/rArT Score (should this be rV/rFrT = value/FUX*Time)

The value of one’s attention. This number is a score that a user of the FUX Protocol builds as they complete workstreams. rV is the relative value created (as determined in the evaluation stage). rA is the relative attention committed to a workstream by an individual contributor, their portion of the total ‘attention’ dedicated to a workstream. rT is the relative time that a contributor dedicated to a workstream, calculated by the timestamp on entry into workstream and exit from said workstream. Collectively these measure derive a measure of an individual's value created per attention dedicated for a set time. This could be the universal measure to reward contributors and break the hourly rate equation.